

Collective Presencing is a way of being together in generative conversation.  Neither a therapy or a process group, it is a way of listening to each other and to the collective wisdom that emerges when we slow down and use not only our mental intelligence but all ways of knowing: through our body, emotions, intuitions.   All of these are invited into the circle.  We share an inquiry, which is a bit like reaching for what is emerging that we couldn’t see before.  Silence is welcome.  Source – what in different traditions could be called Buddha Nature, the Cosmic Christ, Spirit, or even the still small voice – is welcome.  We use a question “in the middle” which becomes part of what holds us, as we lean in towards the edge between the known and unknown.

To receive announcements for forthcoming Collective Presencing or other groups, please sign up here.



No retreats are scheduled at this time.


On Demand

Cultivating Your Interspiritual Contemplative Practice

In this ‘short course’ you will receive six brief written explorations to familiarize you with key features and elements to consider. The point is to nudge you into action!  I tell a bit of my own story along with suggestions for ways you can proceed. Put simply, interspirituality investigates relationship with the Sacred through immersion in the contemplative practices of more than one tradition or lineage. This is not the open, friendly stance of interfaith dialog.  It is not the study of the beliefs or scriptures of world faiths.  Interspirituality is experiential. It is your lived inquiry into the Divine, drawing on the practices that help you come into connection with God. This means that an interspiritual life has a huge range of choices available. As you look deeply into these choices, should you want personal assistance, please call to set up a mentoring session.

If you prefer, you can send a check to me @ 4005 S 7th St W, Missoula MT 59804.

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You can also support my work by sharing it with friends or family.  Thank you.